APM’s new 2-inch Ceramic Safety Herschel Prism operates on the principle that only a small portion – approximately five percent – of the incident light is used for the actual observation. Herschel Prisms of the classic design guide the unused and incomparably larger, more energetic portion of light through the […]
PlaneWave Instruments Enters One-Meter Observatory Class Telescope with PW-1000
While PlaneWave Instruments debuted its new L-Series direct-drive mount at NEAF 2017 (Image 1), details on the series are not yet available on its website. But what are available there are features and specifications of its new, fully automated PW-1000 one-meter observatory telescope (Image 2). At first blush, the PW-1000 […]
Baader Hyperion 8-24 mm Zoom Mark IV Telescope Eyepieces Are Now in Fourth Generation
Baader Planetarium’s famed Hyperion 8-24 mm Zoom eyepiece is now in its fourth generation. The Mark IV features an improved click-stop action – a must for binoviewing – with indents at five magnifications: 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 mm. As before, this latest design provides long eye relief across […]
MoonLite Telescope Introduces NiteCrawler Two-Axis Worm-Drive Rotating Telescope Focuser
MoonLite’s new NiteCrawler two-axis worm-drive rotating focuser is a fully-electronic focuser using fly-by-wire control technology for exceptionally accurate positioning. The lead screws provide a large 25-pound (11.3-kilogram) payload capacity with extreme resolution and repeatability. The focuser holds heavy loads even with the power off and remembers position on power up – […]
EclipseWatch.com is Celestron’s Full-Featured American Eclipse 2017 Portal
EclipseWatch is Celestron’s full-featured Eclipse 2017 portal offering news, events, audio/visual content, tips, and everything you will need for the viewing experience of a lifetime. Of course, you will find everything you would expect, including educational resources, tutorials on how to safely view a solar eclipse and much more. You’ll […]
Celestron Releases PWI Telescope Control for CGX and CGX-L Telescope Mounts
Celestron has teamed up with PlaneWave Instruments to develop a new, specialized telescope control software for the CGX and CGX-L mount. The new PWI Telescope Control software release coincided with the release of Celestron’s newly designed -L series German Equatorial Mounts. With the availability of the new PWI Telescope Control […]
New Celestron CGX-L Computerized Equatorial Telescope Mount Now Offers 75-Pound Load Capacity
Celestron’s newly designed CGX-L Computerized Equatorial Mount is the latest addition to the company’s fully computerized equatorial mount series and now offers a hefty 75-pound load capacity. Capable of carrying Celestron’s largest optical tubes, CGX-L is designed for backyard observatories and remote imagers looking for exceptional load capacity-to-weight ratio, compact […]
Celestron Offers Full Line of EclipSmart Optics and Observing Kits for 2017 American Solar Eclipse
Celestron has introduced its EclipSmart solar safe optics and observing kits in advance of the 2017 North American Total Solar Eclipse. The EclipSmart line includes everything you need to plan, experience, photograph, and celebrate America’s total solar eclipse including 100-percent Solar Safe glasses, binoculars, and telescopes, plus smartphone/DSLR photo filters, […]
A Practical Automated Multi-Camera Astro Imaging System Design: One Mount, One Computer, Two Imaging Cameras
By Peter Rejto Peter Rejto, born into a family of musicians, initially followed a scientific career path, but ultimately left the doctoral biochemistry program at UC Berkeley to become a concert cellist. Now Professor Emeritus at Oberlin College, Rejto lives in Sydney, Australia with his family, but continues to direct […]
Mirro-Sphere Introduces Stronglight 12 True Serrurier Observatory Class Truss Telescope
Mirro-Sphere of Mazy, France now offers a true Serrurier truss-tube Newtonian constructed of carbon fiber and high-grade aluminum. Lightweight and rigid carbon-fiber tubes connect the support rings in a Serrurier-truss design using ball screws and socket hardware. The initial version of the telescope is a 12-inch f/4. It is designed […]
Lowe’s Announces “Good Neighbor” Dark-Sky-Friendly Lighting
In announcing its new Good Neighbor Lighting line, Lowe’s recognized that “Star-filled night skies are now fading and being washed out by the glow of city lights. Artificial light shining up into the sky creates light pollution and dulls the view for stargazers. Excessive and poorly directed lights are also […]
Software Bisque’s Paramount Astronomy Software Suite Now Includes TheSkyX Pro for Linux and Raspbian
Software Bisque’s Paramount Software Suite, shipped with all Paramount mounts, has always come with macOS and Windows versions of TheSkyX Professional Edition, not to mention the Camera Add On, the Multi-OS and Six License Add On, and the TPoint Add On. The Paramount Software Suite thumb drive now also includes […]