
ATT Volume 18 Issue 6

ATT Volume 18 Issue 6

In this issue Dr. James Dire test drives the Explore Scientific 100mm Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope, the first Mak-Cass review in ATT’s 18 years; Curtis V. Macchioni offers his second article on the top ten EEA challenges; Mark Zaslove shows that the Roofnest Car Tent is perfect if you want somewhere to […]

ATT Volume 18 Issue 5

ATT Volume 18 Issue 5

In this issue Dr. James Dire shows how the Askar 71 telescope is priced amazingly low for the current market, especially considering all of the features it has and accessories it contains; Curtis V. Macchioni tackles the top ten EEA challenges, Robert Buchheim takes a deep dive into spectroscopy with […]

ATT Volume 18 Issue 4

ATT Volume 18 Issue 4

In this issue Dr. James Dire shows how the NexStar 5se is a great all-around telescope; Jim Thompson explains how one can capture data to produce a narrowband Sulfur- Hydrogen- Oxygen (SHO) image using a OSC camera; Matt Harmston explains for those in those in pursuit of faint fuzzies, how […]

ATT Volume 18 Issue 3

ATT Volume 18 Issue 3

In this issue Dr. Thomas Fowler shows how the CFF 140mm offers wonderful optics and exceptionally well-made mechanical fittings; Dr. Leon Palmer provides a dynamic, affordable alternative for live video collimation just using an iPhone or Android phone; Dr. James R. Dire is extremely impressed with the quality and performance […]

ATT Volume 18 Issue 2

ATT Volume 18 Issue 2

In this issue Matt Harmston shows how establishing back-focus can be an iterative process requiring repeated confirmation and/or refinement of other observing system characteristics; Paul Temple describes his experiences with a classic Celestron 6” achromatic refractor nicknamed “The Beast!”; Rafael Fiol discusses how he designed and printed a 3D Newtonian […]

ATT Volume 18 Issue 1

ATT Volume 18 Issue 1

In this issue Dr. James Dire shows how the Masuyama 1.25”, 53° Premium Eyepieces are made with some of the best glass he has seen in eyepieces; Dr. Dire does double duty as he demonstrates how the Askar FRA 400 makes a great portable travel scope for visual use and […]

ATT Volume 17 Issue 10

ATT Volume 17 Issue 10

In this issue Matt Harmston shows how the Mallincam HD-10 II provides a unique opportunity for solar-system viewing without a PC; In his “Battle of the Quads!” Jim Thompson demonstrates that, while the four filters reviewed all share the “quad” designation in their names, they each fill a rather different […]

ATT Volume 17 Issue 9

ATT Volume 17 Issue 9

In this issue Dr. James R. Dire shows how the Celestron StarSense Autoguider makes visual observing and imaging more efficient and fun; Jim Thompson evaluates the performance of a selection of H-α filters, ranging in bandwidth from >100nm down to 3nm; Matt Harmston helps give advice for when you are […]

ATT Volume 17 Issue 8

ATT Volume 17 Issue 8

In this issue Dr. James Dire shows how the Unistellar eQuinox 2 opens up the whole universe to people in light polluted skies; Curtis Macchioni showcases the functionality of the Pegasus Pocket Power Box Advance; Matt Harmston shows how the QHY Polemaster was money well spent for his viewing style, […]

ATT Volume 17 Issue 7

ATT Volume 17 Issue 7

In this issue Dr. James Dire discusses how the Celestron SkyMaster Pro ED binocular lineup offers excellent choices for astronomical and terrestrial use; Christopher Hay shows that with the arrival of the Baader 6.5nm OIII filter, skywatchers have access to a very narrow yet affordable OIII filter that will provide […]

ATT Volume 17 Issue 6
Issues Uncategorized

ATT Volume 17 Issue 6

In this issue Dr. James R. Dire takes a deep dive into how the Celestron EclipSmart line of solar instruments provides great performance and exceptional value; Curtis Macchioni walks through some of the confusion about Lithium power sources; Dr. Rob Pettengill shows how the Celestron FirstScope is a versatile little […]

ATT Volume 17 Issue 5

ATT Volume 17 Issue 5

In this issue Curtis Macchioni walks through the options on choosing a mount for EEA; Jim Thompson offers a detailed summary of his investigation into the origin and nature of halos around bright stars caused by the presence of a filter; Matt Harmston describes his visual observing experiences under light-polluted […]