William Optics is offering several limited-edition telescopes as the company continues its 20th anniversary celebration. These are very limited, and when they are gone there will be no more, so if you see one that fits your eye and budget don’t hesitate to grab yours! ZenithStar 71mm f/5.9 Doublet ED […]
Simulation Curriculum Creates New Forums for SkySafari Users
Simulation Curriculum’s SkySafari has grown to be one of the most popular and heavily used astronomy programs in the world. Of course, with this type of audience for a software application, there are also a lot of questions users have on maximizing the power of the program. As many companies […]
NEAF/NEAIC 2017 is Just Around the Corner!
It’s time to start making plans for NEAF/NEAIC 2017! The events will again be held in at Suffern, New York, at Rockland Community College, just a short 30-minute drive from New York City. ATT Editor Gary Parkerson will be there to enjoy all of the festivities – plus tons […]
The Future of Amateur Astronomy
Editor’s Note: One of my recent editor’s note discussed the future of amateur astronomy and asked for feedback. We received wonderful replies. Thank you, all. Among the most thoughtful, thorough and optimistic was George Stallings’, who has granted me permission to share it here. In the 20th century amateur astronomy grew […]
CCD-Guide 2017 Edition Now Available
The CCD-Guide is a project of Astronomischer Arbeitskreis Salzkammergut (AAS) – Gahberg observatory (www.astronomie.at) in Austria. Every year since 1997, the CCD team of the observatory Gahberg publishes a new DVD which contains the best CCD and DSLR images of the AAS members. The total revenue from the sale of […]
When is an APO not an apo and other thoughts on ATT
Editor’s Note: We receive a number of emails after each issue, some with kudos for that issue and some with constructive criticism, all of which we very much enjoy reading. In was in this vein that we recently had an email exchange with Dr. Howard L Ritter, Jr. about his […]
ATT Editor Gary Parkerson is Back on the Road Again with the Pedaling Astronomer Project!
Intrepid editor Gary Parkerson is back on the road with the Pedaling Astronomer Project, this time tackling the US east coast. He kicked off this leg of the ride during the last week of February at the Winter Star Party (WSP) in the Florida Keys. Capt. Ed Davidson, the Inn […]
Listen to The Stars
Messier Objects Audio Book and Sketch/Reference Book We recently were made aware of JJ Evans’ Listen to The Stars audio book and companion sketch/reference book. Rarely do we learn of a resource that we find truly different that will uniquely enhance our viewing experiences – this combo audio and print […]