Author: Stuart Parkerson

Volume 10, Issue 1

Volume 10, Issue 1

Welcome to the first issue of our new digital monthly magazine! Inside is Roy Parish’s review of the Lunt LS60, the Celestron StarSense AutoAlign Telescope Alignment System is test driven by Ray Bureau, Austin Grant demonstrates how the ZWO ASI120MM Astronomy Camera Kit is the Do-It-All for Astro-Imaging, Editor Gary […]

Volume 9, Issue 5

Volume 9, Issue 5

In this issue ATT editor Gary Parkerson explains the magazine’s new digital focus; Mark Zaslove shows the Borg 90FL to be light, fast and fantastic; Austin Grant upgrades his observatory with Lunatico Astronomia’s Seletek Platypus and Firefly; Discovery Telescopes Premium DHQ Newtonian Reflectors are given a test run by Dr. […]

Volume 2, Issue 3

Volume 2, Issue 3

Articles include comet chronicler Gary Kronk’s Backyard Observatories roll-off roof observatory installation, a report of a new college mirror-making workshop introduced by a Florida educator, the second installment of Rob Teeter’s Stellafane experiences, an introduction to Orion’s Redbeam SP Flashlight, Erik Wilcox’s take on Celestron’s new SkyScout Scope, a report […]

Volume 2, Issue 2

Volume 2, Issue 2

Articles include Richard Berry’s in depth review of QSI’s 532ws CCD Camera, two looks at Stellarvue’s SV102ED, Penny Distasio’s review of Celestron’s new clothing line,  Rob Teeter’s look back at his experiances at Stellafane, Erik Wilcox’s review of Howie Glatter’s laser collimator, the latest industry news and new products, astro tips, and more.

Volume 2, Issue 1

Volume 2, Issue 1

Articles include Lorelei Parker Power’s cover story featuring Woodland Hills Telescopes’ Farah Payan, two featuring ATM projects building an observing chair and an 8-inch ball scope.  Other articles cover IP4AP image processing instruction, the merits of Dob shrouds, choosing low power eyepieces, simple remote observatory automation, Heater Meals providing warmth […]

Volume 1, Issue 7

Volume 1, Issue 7

Check out Rich Williams’ Sierra Stars Observatory (SSO) as well as Dave Snay’s  test drive of SSO.  This issue also includes a report on Thousand Oaks’ Nebula Filters, the Advanced Alt-Az Telescope Project, and Optical Mechanics’ James Mulherin’s demystification of mirror coating processes.

Volume 1, Issue 6

Volume 1, Issue 6

ChronosMount’s revolutionary Harmonic Drive Gearing Mount System; HOTS 2007 welcomes solar enthusiasts from across the country; the Zeke Seat – a comfy observing chair; Optimizing the Orion 100-mm, f/6 Achro; Dave Miller of Durango Skies gives an insider’s tips on selecting and building a personal observatory; Pete Peterson of Peterson […]

Volume 1, Issue 5

Volume 1, Issue 5

JMI’s Jim Burr and his journey from astronomy enthusiast to an industry leader in telescope accessories; a simple tip for identifying sources of stray light in telescopes; Agena’s budget minded, wide-angle eyepieces; Meade imagers get a test drive; Denkmeier’s SCT Powerswitch with FilterSwitch; encouraging a young girl’s love for the […]

Volume 1, Issue 4

Volume 1, Issue 4

Star Workshop 2007 examines latest trends in small alt-az telescope engineering and development, and scientific research and undergraduate education; a look at integrating video cameras; the Vixen VC200L; a weekend Dob base project; a banner month for astronomy events; Starizona’s MicroTouch Autofocus; and upgrading to a ServoCat Track and Go-To […]

Volume 1, Issue 3

Volume 1, Issue 3

Tom Osypowski of Equatorial Platforms and his 50 years as an equipment junky; a fresh look at William Optics’ ZenithStar 110 Triplet Apo; an imaging enthusiast’s take on Meade’s Series 5000 ED 80 Apo; astrophotography with a Dob and Round Table’s equatorial platform; building an ATM 80-mm finder/rich-field scope with […]

Wayne Parker was featured on the May 2007 cover of Astronomy Technology Today where he is shown standing in front of a SkyShed POD.

Volume 1, Issue 2

An inside look at the SkyShed POD and its developer, Wayne Parker, plus a review of the POD; the Meade 16-inch Lightbridge; Tele Vue’s “is” imaging systems; Glatter Collimation’s new BLUG; an ATM project adding Orion’s Intelliscope system to Meade Lightbridge; new takes on the Rosin Hyperboloidal Astrograph; NEAF 2007; […]

Volume 1, Issue 1

Volume 1, Issue 1

Our inaugural issue! Articles include OPT’s Pentax line of imaging optimized Apos; Starizona’s HyperStar ultra-fast imaging system; the William Optics 66-mm ZenithStar “Patriot” Apo; Tele Vue’s T4 Nagler; two unique ATM projects – an equatorial fork mounted Newtonian and a wood hemispherical Dobsonian; a simple Newtonian tube rotation solution; a […]