Author: Stuart Parkerson

Wayne Parker was featured on the May 2007 cover of Astronomy Technology Today where he is shown standing in front of a SkyShed POD.

Volume 1, Issue 2

An inside look at the SkyShed POD and its developer, Wayne Parker, plus a review of the POD; the Meade 16-inch Lightbridge; Tele Vue’s “is” imaging systems; Glatter Collimation’s new BLUG; an ATM project adding Orion’s Intelliscope system to Meade Lightbridge; new takes on the Rosin Hyperboloidal Astrograph; NEAF 2007; […]

Volume 1, Issue 1

Volume 1, Issue 1

Our inaugural issue! Articles include OPT’s Pentax line of imaging optimized Apos; Starizona’s HyperStar ultra-fast imaging system; the William Optics 66-mm ZenithStar “Patriot” Apo; Tele Vue’s T4 Nagler; two unique ATM projects – an equatorial fork mounted Newtonian and a wood hemispherical Dobsonian; a simple Newtonian tube rotation solution; a […]