Author: Stuart Parkerson

BOSS Supernova Search

BOSS Supernova Search

BOSS Supernova Search: With each new advancement in the technology available to amateur astronomers, the line between amateur and professional – already barely distinguishable – is further blurred. There may be no better example than the feats of a group of amateur astronomers who call their group the Backyard Observatory […]

Astrozap Telescope Dust Covers

Astrozap Telescope Dust Covers

Astrozap Telescope Dust Covers: Astronomers can get pretty finicky about cleanliness, especially when it comes to their telescope optics. The reality is that dust is everywhere and it is next to impossible to keep it entirely off a telescope’s optics. However, you don’t have to allow dust to settle on […]


Unihedron SQM-LU-DL

Unihedron SQM-LU-DL: The names Unihedron and Sky Quality Meter have become synonymous with measurement of sky brightness. Indeed, it’s hard to imagine a tool that has had greater impact on quantification of local light pollution. Unihedron’s original SQM set the standard and has since evolved into a comprehensive range of […]

Observer Pro App for iOS

Observer Pro App for iOS

The Observer Pro app is an iOS app designed specifically for advanced amateur astronomy planning for those using iPhones, iPads iPod Touch. No guessing when that galaxy will emerge from behind that dastardly tree; no estimating how many hours you’ll be able to image an object. It provides easy answers […]

Fig. 2 Close-up of the imposing lunar crater Clavius, shot at f/28 under very good seeing. Some of the smallest features resolved are about a mile in diameter.

Meade ETX Observer Telescope

For over 20 years, the Meade ETX telescope series has provided novice astronomers quality, value and performance, with each new model bringing enhancements and improvements. The latest Meade ETX Observer model continues that legacy. The Meade ETX Observer models come in an 80mm refractor, as well as a 90mm and […]

10Micron AZ DDS Robotic Fork Mounts

10Micron AZ DDS Robotic Fork Mounts

The 10Micron AZ DDS (Direct Drive System) offers professional robotic telescope mounts in an alt-azimuth fork configuration that incorporates a software-integrated de-rotator/focuser. 10Micron has had extensive experience with robotic astronomical mounts. The AZ DDS was developed specifically for professional and research applications that require maximum quality at upmost affordability. The […]

Time-Lapse Nightscape Video

Time-Lapse Nightscape Video

We recently posted a news item on the latest edition of Alan Dyer’s interactive eBook, How to Photograph & Process Nightscapes and Time-lapses, which covers the latest equipment, software, and processing techniques on time-lapse nightscape video for creating great still images and time-lapse movies of the night sky. To see how […]

Celestron CGX-L Mount

Celestron CGX-L Mount

The Celestron CGX-L Mount offers a fully computerized equatorial mount capable of carrying Celestron’s largest optical tubes. CGX-L is designed for backyard observatories and remote imagers looking for exceptional load capacity-to-weight ratio, compact design, and innovative features that fully support large telescopes, imaging kits, and the latest in wireless tech […]