In its release last year of SkyTools 4 Imaging, Skyhound introduced a major update to it’s a platform offering a powerful tool for astro imagers. Now Skyhound is putting the finishing touches on its SkyTools 4 Visual, which distills the most sophisticated astronomical calculations into a remarkably simple interface that […]
Author: Stuart Parkerson for Remote Astrophotography
Earlier this year Erik Westermann released “Remote Astrophotography Using – A Handbook” on Amazon. He now has released a second edition of the book and is making it free for download. According to Westermann, “The reason for the new edition is that has made major changes to the […]
APM Telescopes Deluxe Focuser for Telescopes
APM Telescopes Deluxe Focuser is a new 3.7” rack and pinion focuser with 10:1 focusing. It remains constant and rigid even under high weight loads, making it ideal for astro imaging uses. APM’s attention to detail extends into every facet of its design, even down to the eyepiece adapters included […]
Equatorial Platforms from Blandin Platforms
Blandin Platforms is a new company offering equatorial platforms for Dobsonian telescopes. The company’s new Crossbow equatorial platforms track for over 60 minutes before needing to be reset and run on 2 AAA batteries for 15+ hours of tracking. The platforms are very lightweight and portable, made from durable anodized […]
Easy PixInsight Beginner Video Tutorials
Easy PixInsight is a new resource launched by the creators of which is a subscription-based resource for astro-imagers focusing on the popular PixInsight astroimaging program. IP4AP also offers tutorials on Photoshop, MaxIm DL, Astroart, and more. Easy PixInsight offers a more entry level approach to using PixInsight for astro-imaging. […]
StarTools Astro Imaging Software
StarTools Astro Imaging Software is a new type of image processing engine for astrophotography that tracks your signal and its noise component as you process. After a four-year period and extensive beta testing, the software is now available in version 1.5 offering a tremendous jump in usability from previous versions. […]
The Okie-Tex Star Party to be Held September 21 – September 29
One of the most popular annual US star parties, the Okie-Tex Star Party will be held on September 21 – September 29 at Camp Billy Joe near Kenton, OK, which is in the far northwest corner of Oklahoma’s panhandle. Hosted by the Oklahoma City Astronomy Club, the Okie-Tex Star Party […]
A Great Time to be an Amateur Astronomer
This is a great time to be an amateur astronomer. There are lots of good telescopes out there that are relatively inexpensive. Back when I was a teenager, we had no internet, so there was no online shopping, and the telescope stores were few and far between. Sometimes you could […]
Get Your Telescope Gear Ready for the November Mercury Transit
Our friends at Lunt Solar Systems are gearing up for the Mercury transit of the Sun that will occur on Monday, November 11th, 2019. We thought we would share what they are saying about the event! Mercury will pass between the Earth and the Sun for the first time since […]
Glacier National Park Observatory
The Glacier National Park Observatory houses a PlaneWave 20-inch CDK Telescope offering a 20-inch (0.51 m) f/6.8 Corrected Dall-Kirkham Astrograph telescope. It’s among the largest telescopes in the National Park Service devoted to free public education and interpretation programs. The telescope also is the biggest in the State of Montana […]
Axis Squared Telescope Repair Service
Axis Squared offers telescope repair services for the astronomical community including rebuilding, repairing, and upgrading telescope mounts, OTAs and more. The company was founded by Mike Bradshaw who, in addition to a passion for amateur astronomy, is a professional astronomer with degrees in astronomy and research. He brings to the […]
Tele Vue TNV/PVS-14 Night Vision System
The Tele Vue TNV/PVS-14 Night Vision System offers L3 Gen3 Un-Filmed White Phosphor night vision monoculars packaged with complimentary Tele Vue accessories for astronomical observing. Night-vision devices (NVD) like the TNV/PVS-14 are optoelectronic devices that allow images to be viewed in levels of light approaching total darkness and are well known […]