
Starizona’s SCT Corrector IV – 0.63X Reducer/Coma Corrector and Optical Back-Focus

Starizona’s SCT Corrector IV – 0.63X Reducer/Coma Corrector and Optical Back-Focus

In this article Matt Harmston shows that, in theory, establishing ideal backfocus is straightforward: Insert spacers and accessories between the two surfaces such that their collective thicknesses match the manufacturer specified back-focus distance. However, as he details, in practice the fine-tuning of back-focus distance is a precision exercise. A few […]

Coat Pocket Astronomy

Coat Pocket Astronomy

Editors Note: In his Coat Pocket Astronomy article Rob Pettengil takes miniature astroimaging to the test with gear that literally fits in his pocket. Images 3 – 9 can be found at the end of the article. My affection for the miniature drove my interest in ultra-light astrophotography. I like […]

Astronomik Visual Filter Review

Astronomik Visual Filter Review

Editor’s Note: In his Astronomik visual filter review Matt Harmston does a deep dive into using Astronomik Filters for visual observing under light polluted skies. This article originally appeared in Astronomy Technology Today Issue 9, 2020. This article has been updated with new testing notes and can be found here. […]

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The GSO 8-Inch Ritchey–Chrétien Telescope

I recently reviewed a Guan Sheng Optical (GSO) 8-inch classical Cassegrain telescope for Astronomy Technology Today. In this article, I review the GSO 8-inch GSO Ritchey–Chrétien.  The classical Cassegrain would be the better choice for visual use, while the Ritchey–Chrétien is the better instrument for astronomical imaging. American astronomer George […]

Local Clear Sky Chart

Apparent Magnitude – What Is It?

Apparent magnitude is something that every beginning and experienced telescope owner has to consider. I sometimes reminisce about my first telescope, an entry-level 115mm reflector. My family let me pick out (but not touch) the scope and assorted accessories well before Christmas, a holiday that rapidly became an eggnog-induced flurry […]