Author: Stuart Parkerson

Astro-Physics Stowaway Telescope

Astro-Physics Stowaway Telescope

Astro-Physics Stowaway: Astro-Physics redesigned 92mm F6.65 Stowaway Refractor Telescope will bring memories to ong-time astronomers  who will recall that the company previously offered f/5 and f/7 Stowaway refractors from 1999-2002, which are cherished today for their portability and performance. Indeed, A-P’s own Stowaway has traveled with its team to star-gaze […]

Kendrick Astro LINX Power Panel

Kendrick Astro LINX Power Panel

Kendrick Astro LINX Power Panel: Ditch the cigarette lighter plug to power your telescope gear. No, really, you know they were never reliable and never were a good fit for amateur astronomy equipment. Instead, upgrade to Kendrick Astro LINX Power Panel. At just 5.5 by 3.5 by 1.5 inches and […]

PowerTank Lithium Pro Review

PowerTank Lithium Pro Review

Powered by Celestron’s Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) battery, the Celestron PowerTank Lithium Pro ($199.95US) is smaller, lighter, and safer than sealed lead acid batteries. The technology is also more environmentally-friendly, since it does not use toxic heavy metals. The PowerTank Lithium Pro LiFePO4 chemistry holds up to 2000 charge cycles […]

Meade LX85 German Equatorial Mount

Meade LX85 German Equatorial Mount

The Meade LX85 German Equatorial Mount (GEM) joins a popular niche in the market of portable mounts capable of handling a wide variety of telescope optical tubes and equipment. It features a Vixen-style dovetail receiver for mounting observing equipment up to 33 pounds, offering a sturdy build and low-cog servo-motors for […]

Kendrick USB 3.0 Active Hub

Kendrick USB 3.0 Active Hub

Why use a Kendrick USB 3.0 Active Hub? There are an impressive number of USB devices: imaging cameras, guide cameras, focusers, filter wheels, adaptive optics, flats panels, etc., and each has its own USB cable. By using a USB Hub up on the telescope, you have just a single cord […]

Officina Stellare RiFAST300

Officina Stellare RiFAST300

Officina Stellare RiFAST300: Officina Stellare produces some of the most exotic looking and exotic performing telescopes on the planet. Its new RiFAST300 is no exception. The Officina Stellare RiFAST300 astrograph is designed by Officina Stellare’s Massimo Riccardi to represent a milestone in the company’s approach to astrophotograpy. Compared to its […]

JMI Telescope Accessories

JMI Telescope Accessories

Farpoint Astro has continued to rollout JMI Telescope Accessories and other products as a result of its parent company, Optical Structures,  acquisition of the JMI Telescope and Lumicon brands. Two of the most popular products offered from these brands are now available: JMI Medium Wheeley Bars and the Lumicon UHC […]

Figure 6. The straw that broke the camel’s back. This is a two-frame mosaic of the Veil nebula in Cygnus including narrowband H-alpha and OIII data. This image required over 30-hours of total imaging time.

John Dobson Dobsonian Telescope

It’s hard to deny the impact that John Dobson had on the amateur astronomy hobby. His introduction of the Dobsonian telescope to the world in the late 60’s in combination with his grassroot outreach efforts through the creation of the Sidewalk Astronomers forever changed the landscape of our hobby. Below […]

Sky-Watcher USA EQM-35 Mount

Sky-Watcher USA EQM-35 Mount

The Sky-Watcher USA EQM-35 go-to mount provides a convenient, stable go-to platform for refractors up to 100 mm or up to 127-mm Maksutovs. Designed as an imaging system, it also works well for visual use. This mount is perfect for the beginner as well as the more advanced astronomer. The […]

Meade Deep Sky Imager IV

Meade Deep Sky Imager IV

The Meade Deep Sky Imager IV which is most advanced camera ever offered in the series. Equipped with a 16-megapixel Panasonic CMOS image sensor, regulated two-stage thermoelectric cooler, and 3.8-µm pixels, the new DSI IV is the ideal camera for all your astrophotography pursuits. The low-noise, high-resolution and fast USB […]

Celestron NexYZ Smartphone Adapter

Celestron NexYZ Smartphone Adapter

What makes the Celestron NexYZ Smartphone Adapter different from other smartphone adapters? Its three-axis adjustment. Most adapters only allow adjustment of your phone in two axes, X and Y, to center its camera over the optical axis of the eyepiece That works, but what about the all-important Z axis: spacing of […]

IP4AP Announces Three-Day Workshop for PixInsight Image Processing Software for Astrophotography

IP4AP Announces Three-Day Workshop for PixInsight Image Processing Software for Astrophotography

Warren Keller and Ron Brecher with IP4AP are teaming up again to present a three-day PixInsight workshop in Mesa, Arizona, September 21-23, 2018 and in Lake Forest, California September 28-30, 2018. If you’re new to image processing, PixInsight is a very powerful and much less expensive alternative to Photoshop. It is […]