
Fig. 5 M-31, 32 and 110, imaged at f/5.3 with the AP telecompressor and modified Canon 6D with LPS-V4 filter. This is a composite of 5 x 5 minute and 3 x 3 minute exposures at ISO 6400.

Astro-Physics Starfire Refractor

Astro-Physics Starfire Refractor> Ever since reading Alan Dyer’s article Astro-Physics Refractors Big & Small in the 1993 September issue of Astronomy magazine, I have dreamt of someday owning an AP-155 f/7 EDF Starfire refractor. Well, it’s taken a couple of decades but I finally acquired Astro-Physics Starfire Refractor a few […]

Image 1: The 2.25-pound, 84.4 watt-hour PowerTank next to a 22-pound, 12-volt, 22-Ah Sears DieHard 1150 sealed lead-acid battery

Celestron Lithium PowerTank Review

Celestron Lithium PowerTank Review: The leaps between the technology of today versus that when I received an un-motorized equatorial 114-mm Newtonian reflector as a 10-year-old in 1988, are mind boggling. I would have barely recognized today’s average reflectors, with red-dot finders, go-to drives, things that plug and unplug, and that […]

Explore Scientific 92 Degree Eyepiece Review

Explore Scientific 92 Degree Eyepiece Review

Explore Scientific 92 Degree Eyepiece Review: Due to primarily using Dobsonians and altitude/azimuth scopes, I’ve long enjoyed and preferred wide-field eyepieces to the standard 40-50 degree oculars. And with the continued advancement in optical coatings, I’ve found that light transmission loss from eyepieces that incorporate more lens elements has become […]

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Paramount MYT Robotic Telescope Mount

Paramount MYT Robotic Telescope Mount: I was the observatory director for the Kaua`i Educational Association for Science and Astronomy (KEASA). We shared our observatory complex with Kaua`i Community College. The complex consists of a roll-off-roof observatory, a building with a 10-foot diameter Ash Dome, and a Sky Shed Pod with […]

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Vintage SBIG ST Astronomy Camera Review

  Vintage SBIG ST Astronomy Camera Review: Over the years, I have been amazed when reading magazine advertisements for astronomical cameras. The year-to-year advances in the quantity, quality, sophistication and automation of available options have been astounding. But, so have increases in overall prices. Yes, there are affordable cameras capable […]

Image 3: The 6.5x32s shown with the eyecups fully extended. Because the neck strap was removed, zip ties were added to capture the eye caps.

Oberwerk 6.5×32 LW Binoculars

1: Oberwerk 6.5×32 LW Binoculars – Accommodating Wide-Ranging IPDs Image 1 is a photo of six-year-old Spencer Hobbe, and Spencer is the primary reason I now carry Oberwerk’s 6.5×32-mm LW binoculars. The little 6.5x32s deliver the widest interpupillary distances of Oberwerk’s extensive product lines – 51 to 74 mm. It […]