
Volume 7, Issue 6

Volume 7, Issue 6

In this issue Dr. James Dire tests the Sky-Watcher USA 120-mm ProED Doublet APO Refractor, Austin Grant has as blast with the iOptron SkyTracker., “Uncle” Rod Mollise announces that the “The Video Revolution Cometh” with the MallinCam Junior Pro, Keith Venables analyzes telescope resolution measurements at the 2013 Texas Star […]

Volume 7, Issue 5

Volume 7, Issue 5

André Van der Elst demonstrates how the Baader Apo 95/560 CaF2 Travel Companion is a top-quality grab-and-go crossover apochromat, Mark Zaslove’s “Ode to an OSC” – The QHY12, Jody Raney shows how the ADM DV-Series Saddle can make a great mount even better, Reid Williams and editor Gary Parkerson provide […]

Volume 7, Issue 4

Volume 7, Issue 4

In this issue Editor Gary Parkerson tells us about “An Artist Has Lost His Tools” – how Paul Van Slyke lost his manufacturing facility in the Black Forest fire, Dr. James Dire test drives the William Optics Gran Turismo 81-mm Refractor, Ernest Shekolyan deep sky observing experience with the Levenhuk […]

Volume 7, Issue 3

Volume 7, Issue 3

In this issue Damian G. Allis, Ph.D. examines the new design approaches and old-fashioned craftsmanship of the 16-inch f/4.5 collapsible-truss Dobsonian from New Moon Telescopes, Mark Zaslove demonstrates how a bigger (field of view) is better with the Boren-Simon 6-inch “Baby” PowerNewt, Richard Wright builds his wide-field dream machine combining […]

Volume 7, Issue 2

Volume 7, Issue 2

In this issue Mark Zaslove puts the iOptron iEQ30 through its paces, Erik Wilcox explains how the Baader Planetarium Q-Turret Eyepiece Set is an affordable kit that delivers, Theodore Saker reveals the uniqueness of the M-Uno Mount, Steven Aggas designs a custom active cooling system for a primary telescope mirror, […]

Volume 7, Issue 1

Volume 7, Issue 1

In this issue Editor Gary Parkerson gives a big thank you to all of the individuals and organizations that contribute articles and content to the magazine, Jim Thompson explains why he thinks video astronomy is the future of observing, “Uncle” Rod Mollise tries out the Orion StarShoot DVR Digital Video […]

Volume 6, Issue 6

Volume 6, Issue 6

In this issue Austin Grant tries out astronomical and terrestrial imaging with the Canon 60Da; Steve Aggas takes us through the steps of building his 36-inch custom Dobsonian for the Apache-Sitgreaves Center for Astrophysics; Rick Saunders provides an ATM solution for building driving stepper motors; Gary Parkerson reviews The Great […]

Volume 6, Issue 5

Volume 6, Issue 5

In this issue Editor Gary Parkerson and Klaus Brasch test two iterations of a rich-field achromat, Peter P. Lardizabal demonstrates extreme long-lens imaging with an Astro-Physics 130 StarFire EDF Gran Turismo Triplet Apo Refractor, Jim Thompson presents part 5 of his introduction to astronomical filters as he examines the question […]

Volume 6, Issue 4

Volume 6, Issue 4

In this issue Richard Wright test drives the Officina Stellare RH-200 Veloce, – a Ferrari-Fast 200-mm f/3 Riccardi-Honders Astrograph, Craig Stark builds an adapter in the Cloud with PreciseParts, Wade Van Arsdale demonstrates how the Deep Space Products TEMP-est Systems Active Cooling-Fan Systems boost performance for Celestron EdgeHD and other […]

Volume 6, Issue 3

Volume 6, Issue 3

In this issue Editor Gary Parkerson takes a look back at NEAF 2012, John Kramer field tests the Apertura AD12, Craig and Tammy Temple try their hand at imaging with the Sky-Watcher Quantum 120 Apo Triplet, John Wunderlin provides basic and advanced tips for using a Bahtinov focusing mask, Ed […]

Volume 6, Issue 2

Volume 6, Issue 2

In this issue Dr. James R. Dire provides his insights into the right equipment for observing the June 2012 Venus Transit, “Uncle” Rod Mollise gets a plan with Deep-Sky Planner Version 5.1, Rick Saunders goes in search of flat surfaces with his ATM telescope shelves project, Pierre Stromberg muses on […]

Volume 6, Issue 1

Volume 6, Issue 1

In this issue Austin Grant tames the Celestron CGEM DX – beauty and beast all wrapped in one; Erik Wilcox tests the Groundbreaking App Observer Pro; Ed Jones demonstrates making and testing an autocollimating flat (or analyzing a large “near” flat without a collimating lens); Ed Jones provides the third […]