In this issue Matt Harmston test drives the new Baader 6.5nm CMOS-Optimized Narrowband Filters; Mark Zaslove takes his astroimaging efforts on the road with the innovative Roofnest Hard-Shell Rooftop Tent; Dr. James Dire does double duty with reviews on the Explore Scientific AR152 Achromatic Refractor and the iOptron Cube Pro; […]
ATT Volume 16 Issue 1
In this issue Matt Harmston shows how the MallinCam DS26cTEC offers versatility in purpose and versatility in performance; Ted Wolf describes the benefits of utilizing an apartment telescope; Mike Weasner test drives the Phone Skope Digiscoping Adapter System; Rob Pettengill discusses how to print and display astrophotography; plus industry news, […]
ATT Volume 15 Issue 10
In this issue Rob Pettengill, Ph.D. reveals how the ASIAIR Plus is an all in one astrophotography solution, including an easy to use polar alignment; Jim Thompson, P.Eng demonstrates an innovative way to measure backyard light pollution; Donald Pensack offers an eyepiece selection primer; Erik Wilcox shows how the Explore […]
ATT Volume 15 Issue 9
In this issue Dr. James Dire shows how the Sky-Watcher Evoguide 50ED with a field flattener may very well be the most affordable 50mm Apo-quality imaging system on the market; Mike Weasner demonstrates how, the no matter what your sky conditions, using the Explore Scientific 2″ UHC Filter will enhance […]
ATT Volume 15 Issue 8
In this issue Dr. James Dire shows how the Sky-Watcher USA Heritage 150 Tabletop Dobsonian is one of the best telescopes available for under $300; Thomas Fowler demonstrates how the 115mm APM/LZOS is a great scope if you’re looking for something easily portable but still capable of extremely sharp, crystal […]
ATT Volume 15 Issue 7
In this issue Matt Harmston examines quick image acquisition with video cameras and the choice between digging deep into the details of just a few targets, or going after many within a single session; Paul Temple shows how to build a low-cost “budget” observing station; Mark Zaslove dives into the […]
ATT Volume 15 Issue 6
In this issue Mark Zaslove demonstrates how the Knightware SQM Reader Pro 3 and Unihedron SQM Meter are a great combination to provide scientific data for the Globe at Night Monitoring Network; Michael Risch walks through Baader Planetarium’s installation of new telescopes and mounts for the historic Rodewisch Observatory; Curtis […]
ATT Volume 15 Issue 5
In this issue Robert Buchheim provides an overview of astronomical spectroscopy and his experiences with the Shelyak Alpy; Thomas Fowler offers an in-depth overview of how to optimize your astrophotography configuration to minimize exposure time and maximize detail; Norm Butler builds an ATM GoTo astro-bino chair; Richard Wright, Jr. goes […]
ATT Volume 15 Issue 4
In this issue Rafael Fiol designs and 3d-prints a Newtonian reflector telescope; Keith Venables finishes his project of creating an electronic finder for a Dobsonian telescope; In his article “Radian Triad & Triad Ultra Performance vs. F-ratio” Jim Thompson offers a test report measuring how f-ratio affects the performance of […]
ATT Volume 15 Issue 3
In this issue Keith Venables discusses how amateur astronomers have been quick to find many applications for the Raspberry Pi; Paul Temple shows that if you are on a limited budget consider spending your money on a good mount and consider an achromatic refractor to mount on it; Tony Bryan […]
ATT Volume 15 Issue 2
In this issue Mark Zaslove shows how the Avalon Instruments’ M-ZERO Observatory Mount is the mount of us lazy people!; Jim Thompson takes a deep dive into narrowband filters and fast optics; Matt Harmston discusses and the enjoyment of live astronomy online; Erik Wilcox doubles down on the Howie […]
ATT Volume 15 Issue 1
In this issue Dr. James Dire shows how the 208mm F/3.9 Newtonian is a keeper!; In his second article Dr. Dire examines how the TPO 6-inch Newtonian Telescope offers a tremendous value on a competent all-purpose Newtonian; In his third articled Dr. Dire discusses how the Sky-Watcher USA 190-mm Maksutov-Newtonian […]