The Rockland Astronomy Club (RAC) has announced NEAF 2020 has been rescheduled to be held on September 12th & 13th, 2020 at the long time host location – Rockland Community College, Suffern, NY. NEAF will be held in the same format as previous shows with no changes.
NEAIC, which is devoted to all aspects of astronomical imaging,will be held on Sept 14th & 15th at the Crowne Plaza. Note: for this reschedule event only, NEAIC will follow NEAF 2020 as opposed to preceding it. This is due to scheduling difficulties with the hotel where NEAIC is held. The event will still be for two-days and will host leaders and acknowledged experts in extra solar planets, variable star, minor planets, asteroids, comets, and supernova research with the intention of fostering pro-am collaborations.
The Northeast Astro-imaging Conference (NEAIC) will kick things off with two days of seminars and displays of interest to those just getting started in astroimaging, as well as to the seasoned professional. Representatives of major imaging-products manufacturers will be on hand to show off the latest equipment and to share their expertise in person. Registered attendees receive entrance to all NEAIC daytime activities, continental breakfast and lunch both days and a two-day pass to NEAF 2020.
NEAF 2020
The mecca of amateur astronomy, NEAF 2020 provides an opportunity for thousands of people to visit with over 120 vendors who will be on hand to share their products, advice and personal assistance. The two-day event will also include the annual NEAF Solar Star Party, seminars, workshops, kid’s events, beginner sessions, door prizes, raffles and much, much more.
The kid in all of us will enjoy the NEAF 2020 Kids’ Space & Astronomy area which provides a place for kids to build models and crafts as well as play with hands-on exhibits designed to capture their imaginations. Kids can win a telescope to take home with free telescope giveaways sponsored by Astronomics, Woodland Hills Camera and Telescope, Software Bisque, and Oceanside Photo and Telescope. There will also be a Starlab Planetarium with shows playing all weekend and kids Solar viewing educational programs.
Special rates for attendees and exhibitors are available at the Crowne Plaza, (NEAIC location and closest to NEAF 2020), Suffern, NY, 845-357-4800; the Sheraton Crossroads, Mahwah, NJ, 201-529-0887; and the Courtyard Marriott, Mahwah, NJ, 201-529-5200.
All booth reservations (and patron tickets) will be honored for the September 12 & 13 2020 NEAF and September 14 & 15 NEAIC. If you are unable to attend the Sept shows, your reservations (and tickets) will be honored for the April 2021 NEAF & NEAIC (date TBA).
Listed here are companies that are scheduled to participate in this year’s events. As well, check out our latest news to stay ahead in the astronomy sphere.
Adirondack Public Observatory
ADM Accessories
Amateur Astronomers Association
Amateur Astronomy Magazine
Antique Telescope Society
APM / Outdoor Sport Optics
Applied Surface Technologies
Astrel Instruments
Astro Hutech / Borg
Astronomers without Borders
Astronomical League
Astronomical Society of Harrisburg
Astronomy Magazine
Astronomy Now Magazine
Astronomy Shoppe
Astronomy Technology Today
Astronomy To Go
Astro-Physics, Inc.
Atik Cameras
BBC Sky at Night Magazine
Big Bang
Camera Concepts & Telescopes
Camera Concepts for Kids
Canon USA Inc.
Celestial Chart
C-Line Focusers
Classic Telescopes
Cloud Break Optics
Dark Sky New Mexico LLC
Dark Sky OnDemand
Daystar Filters LLC
Deep Sky Chile
Digital Optica
Discmounts Inc.
Explora-Dome (Poly Tank)
Explore Scientific LLC
Finger Lakes Instrumentation, LLC
Glatter Collimation by Starlight Instruments
Hershey’s Dark Sky Consortium
High Point Scientific
Hotech Corp
Hudson River Museum
Hyperion Astronomy
iNova Technologies
Innovations Foresight
International Occultation Timing (IOTA)
Jupiter Joe
InfiniTees Scientific Apparel
Innovations Foresight LLC
International Dark-Sky Association (IDSA)
Losmandy Astronomical Products
Lowell Observatory
Lunt Solar Systems LLC
Main Sequence Software
Maine Astronomy Retreat (MARS)
Matrix Machine Tool
Meade Instruments
Meet Star Gazers
Moonlite Telescope Accessories
Solar Star Party
New Jersey Astronomical Association
New Mexico Skies
Astronomy Enclave
New Moon Telescopes
NexDome Observatories
nPAE Precision
Astro Engineering
NY Skies
Optical Structures
Optec Inc
Oregon Observatory at Sunriver (Sunriver Nature)
O’Telescope Corporation
Peter Scherff Meteorite Collection,
The Photonic Cleaning Technologies, LLC
Pegasus Astro
Planewave Instruments
Practical Astrophotography Magazine
Ramapo Challenger Center
Revolution Imager
Rockland Astronomy Club, Inc.
Seymour Solar
Shrouds by Heather
Sightron Japan In
Simulation Curriculum
Sky & Telescope Magazine
Sky Watcher
Software Bisque
Springer Publishing
Springfield Telescope Makers
Starlight Instruments, LLC
Starlight Xpress Ltd.
STC Optical Filter
Suffern Robotics
Summer Star Party
Takahashi America
Teeter’s Telescopes
Telescope Live
Telescope Support Systems
Tele Vue Optics
United Astronomy Clubs of New Jersey
Unitron Italia Instruments
University Dark Sky Astronomy Consortium
USS Abraham Lincoln
Vixen Optics
Wa-chur-ed Observatory
Westchester Amateur Astronomers
William Optics
Willmann-Bell, Inc.
Woodland Hills Telescopes
Yeier Optics
ZWO Co Ltd