Stargazing Cards

Stargazing Cards are a new educational and interactive tool designed to help astronomy enthusiasts, students, and beginners learn about the night sky in an engaging way. These flashcards feature constellations, planets, deep-sky objects and astronomical phenomena, providing key facts, historical significance and observational tips.

Stargazing CardsAs Volodymyr Popelniuk, creator of the cards notes, “The concept of Stargazing Cards was born during a stargazing session with my oldest daughter. She asked questions about the objects we were observing, and I realized I couldn’t provide engaging information without constantly turning to my phone or a book. Even then, finding information that was truly captivating wasn’t always easy. That moment sparked the vision of creating flashcards with images and fun facts right at hand – a tangible resource to enhance the stargazing experience.”

Designed for portability and ease of use, Stargazing Cards are perfect for outdoor stargazing sessions, whether in a backyard, at a dark-sky site or during an astronomy club event. Printed on thick cardstock with matte lamination and rounded corners, the cards are crafted to withstand all your stargazing adventures. Designed with night vision in mind, the text remains fully readable under red light, ensuring your eyes stay adapted to the darkness.

The Stargazing Cards set of flashcards is based on the Messier Catalog. Each card is color-coded by season and includes:

– Star Chart

– Eyepiece View Simulation

– Stunning Photo of the Object

– Key Characteristics

– Observation Tips

– Background Information (including a description, discovery history, and fascinating facts)

You can learn more about the Stargazing Cards here.

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