
AstroEdit is a specialized image processing iOS app utilizing AI that is designed for astrophotographers who need precise control over their deep-sky, planetary, and lunar images. With its real-time preview adjustments and batch processing capabilities and whether fine-tuning a single exposure or processing an entire night’s worth of data, AstroEdit provides the tools needed to create stunning, high-quality astrophotography images.

AstroEditBuilt with a user-friendly interface and advanced editing tools, AstroEdit enables users to enhance, calibrate, and refine their astrophotography captures with high precision and minimal effort. The software supports RAW, FITS, and TIFF formats, ensuring compatibility with most astronomical cameras and imaging workflows.

One of its standout features is its advanced noise reduction and contrast enhancement algorithms, which help bring out faint details in nebulae, galaxies, and star clusters. It includes stacking capabilities, allowing users to combine multiple exposures for improved signal-to-noise ratio while reducing unwanted artifacts. AstroEdit also provides precise color calibration tools, ensuring accurate representation of celestial objects, especially when working with narrowband and LRGB imaging techniques.

For planetary and lunar imaging, the software offers sharpening filters, deconvolution tools, and wavelet processing, making it easy to bring out fine surface details. It also includes automated star alignment and field distortion correction, allowing for seamless processing of wide-field astrophotography shots.

You can learn more about the AstroEdit app here.

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