Buckeyestargazer TriBahtinov Isolation Masks

The new Buckeyestargazer TriBahtinov Isolation Masks are the company’s newest accessory for telescope focusing and collimation.

Buckeyestargazer TriBahtinov Isolation MasksA TriBahtinov mask aids in both focusing and collimating telescopes with collimatable optics. When collimating, the TriBahtinov presents triple diffraction lines, which results in what looks like six separate sections of three lines. When paired with a Buckeyestargazer TriBahtinov mask, these TriBahtinov Isolation masks isolate one section of the TriBahtinov, which aids in determining which collimation screw to adjust.

Currently the TriBahtinov Isolation Masks are available for Celestron SCTs, with other brands to follow. If you would like an isolation mask for a specific telescope other than those offered, you can contact Buckeyestargazer and they can make a custom one for your telescope.

You can learn more about the Buckeyestargazer TriBahtinov Isolation Masks here.

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