The 1.25″ and 2” models of the Stellalyra Flat Field Tel-Extender provide a premium quality image amplification lens ideal for high-resolution observing and imaging of the Moon and planets.

Both the 1.25″ 3x Tel-Extender and 2″ 2x Tele-Extender features a four-element optical lens design that minimizes field curvature and provides high-contrast images with excellent color correction. All optical surfaces are fully multicoated and lens edges are blackened for maximum contrast.
The Stellalyra Flat Field Tel-Extender in both versions offers excellent edge-of-field performance and color correction, make the StellaLyra Flat Field Tele-Extender a good choice for shooting mosaic images. In addition, unlike a conventional Barlow lens, the amplification does not vary as the distance to the eyepiece or camera is varied.
A brass compression ring securely grips the eyepiece/camera without marring the nosepiece. The nosepiece has a milled safety taper to prevent it from slipping out of the focuser and is threaded for 1.25″ astronomy filters. The 2″ 2x Tele-Extender includes a 2″-1.25″ adapter so it can be used with both 1.25″ and 2″ eyepieces.
You can learn more about the Stellalyra Flat Field Tel-Extender models here.
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The Sun is more active than it’s been in years and if that’s not enough, we have the Annular Solar Eclipse on October 14, 2023 and the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024! If you’d like to learn more about the technology behind solar observing, solar imaging and more, you can check out our free publication, “The Definitive Guide to Viewing and Imaging the Sun”. You don’t have to sign up or provide any information, simply click here and enjoy reading!