Why a telescope help hotline? Well, if you are new to amateur astronomy and you have bought a new telescope, you’ve probably found a plethora of advice online on how to use that telescope. And perhaps you are a bit overwhelmed?
The team at Optical Structures, the parent company of Lumicon, Farpoint, JMI and Astrodon, have got you covered. They have created a new telescope help hotline that can be reached by phone at 844 -DARKSKY (844 -327-5759) or by email at support@opticalstructures.com.
One common problem is that you are unable to find objects while using your telescope which the folks at Celestron offer this advice:
You need to make sure the finderscope is aligned with the telescope. The finderscope is the small scope attached near the rear of the telescope just above the eyepiece holder. This is best done when the scope is first set up. Take your telescope outside during the daytime, and aim the scope down the street towards the top of a telephone pole, street sign, or license plate on a car (or any small target that’s easily recognizable from a few hundred yards away). Using your lowest power eyepiece (the one with the highest focal length number printed on it), look into the eyepiece of the main scope and center it on a target.
Now look through the finderscope, and you will notice the crosshairs are most likely not centered on the same target. Turn the 3 small round thumbscrews on the sides of the finderscope bracket to adjust the direction the finderscope is pointing. Once the crosshairs are centered on the same object you are viewing through the telescope eyepiece, the alignment of the finderscope is done.
You can double-check your alignment by using the finderscope to select another randomly chosen target to see if it’s in the main scope. The time spent aligning your finderscope during the daytime will save you from a lot of frustration while trying to locate objects under the night sky.
Now anything you point the finderscope at (such as the moon) will also appear in your eyepiece. The finderscope should remain in alignment unless it gets bumped, e.g., transporting or moving your telescope in and out of the house. If this ever happens, simply realign it.
This is just one common problem new telescope owners experience. However, no matter what your questions, the Optical Structures team is ready to help you get the most out of your new astronomy equipment. You can learn more about the telescope help hotline on their website.
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