Explore Scientific, an international concern based in Springdale, Arkansas, has received the Better Business Bureau of Arkansas’ 2018 Torch Award for Ethics. The national award-winning “educate and recognize” Torch Award program is the premier public recognition of organizations that intentionally pursue the Six Principles of TRUST, upon which the BBB ethics program is based.
The BBB of Arkansas Education Foundation, Inc created the Torch Awards program in 2014 to recognize businesses that were intentionally pursuing the highest standards of organizational ethics – putting high character into action. The Torch Awards for Ethics honors companies, whose leaders demonstrate a high level of personal character and ensure that the organization’s practices meet the highest standards of ethics, and consequently generate trust.

These companies generate a high level of trust among their employees, customers and their communities. Armed with the Six Principles of TRUST roadmap, the Explore Scientific team set out to create a better guidelines and systems to more intentionally transfer the essential disciplines of personal and public integrity, which resulted in its adoption of the 20 defined leadership and character ethics in the BBB’s UncommonSense Framework.
Because integrity is a defining characteristic common to those attracted to the astro-tech industry, it should come as no surprise when one of its high-profile, labor-of-love enterprises is so honored. The Explore Scientific team exemplifies all that is most noble about this industry, and the team at Astronomy Technology Today is proud to call them friends.